AlgoMantra, b. 2005

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Friday, September 07, 2007
Cellphabet on BBC Radio 5
AlgoMantra was recently interviewed by Chris Vallance of BBC Radio 5 Live about our latest work, the Cellphabet. I have made the 6-minute segment available as an mp3 of roughly 5.5MB. [Download MP3]

Chris Vallance dubbed it 'a very sedate way of messaging someone' and Rhod Sharp called it 'amazingly sophisticated'. Thank you, gentlemen.

There are some other great stories too in the show, you can hear the whole thing off their website.
4 Comments: Post a Comment
Blogger Unknown said ..

"amazingly sophist- icated"(sophia being the Greek and Gnostic goddess of wisdom and philosophy) who presides even now over the strange new terrains of digital programming.

vir sapit qui pauca loquitur
That man is wise who talks little

facta non verba
Deeds, not words

non est ad astra mollis e terris via
There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.

11:26 AM 
Blogger deathkitty said ..

Da mihi sis cerevisiam dilutam. (I'll have a light beer.)

Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.
(I think some people in togas are plotting against me.)

Die dulci fruere.
(Have a nice day.)

11:52 AM 
Blogger hypertope said ..


I'm gonna go slightly off topic here, but...

I think you would be interested in joining , which is this new Academic Networking Site for researchers and scholars...

Normally, joining is free, but by invitation only... but for a brief promotional period only they have opened the gates, so that the initial members can join in, and invite their own academic colleagues, and so on...

you can register here

It would also be nice if you could post a blog item about it, so that the word spreads.

all the best


11:40 AM 
Blogger Murmur said ..

Amazing interview.

Who is this mad man walking up and down Kala Ghoda?

Amazingly sophisticated ... let's go to Afghanistan. A blog about helicopters and footballs.

3:03 AM