Cellphabet 1.0: How I can walk in English!

मैंने मोबाइल फोन के एक छोटे इलाके में चलने फिरने की क्रिया को अंग्रेजी शब्दों में तब्दील करने की प्रणाली बनाई है!
Abstract: Let us say, I am standing at Kala Ghoda art district's parking lot in south Bombay. You walk up to me and whisper a word in my ear. Without touching my phone at all, I walk around for 30-40 minutes within the Kala Ghoda area. You can walk with me if you like to keep an eye. Soon enough, the word you gave me appears as a text message on your phone.
Description: At any given moment, a mobile phone is connected to a cell tower nearby. Each cell tower has it's unique ID which can be hacked from the phone (technical details below). In urban areas like Bombay, cell towers have a reach of 100-200 meters. There are thousands of such towers in the city. So as you walk on a road, or travel in your car, yo

My phone is a Nokia smartphone, that is - it is more like a computer that can be programmed. I used this functionality to write a program which does the following.
The main algorithm fingerprints various cellphone tower signals, and uses them to correctly identify three-four street corners near to each other. Now if you see in the picture above, it has labeled the area around the Kala Ghoda parking lot as a (*), the area near Jehangir art gallery as a (-), the area near Khyber restaurant as (0), and the area leading to Lion's Gate as (+). Each time I (that is, my phone) enters one of these areas, it adds a (+)(-)(*) or (0) to my 'path'. So as I tumble through this triangular shape I'm generating a trail of characters which looks like this:
It only looks like gibberish, because my phone will clean up the stars(*), pick up each remaining 3-bit block in this string and map it to it's 'meaning', which is a character of the English alphabet. For instance each block of '0++' would be converted to the letter 'h', '---' to 'e' and so on. The whole trail will be now understood as:

'0*+*+*-*-*-*0*-*-*0*-*-*-*-*0' = 'hello'
Technical: I'm using a Nokia N70 Music Edition, which is from the S60 series. I have developed the application using the Python API for S60.
where's the code?
The code is right HERE, dude.
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thanks, Bas. Somehow the access rights got muddled, I have reset the permissions.
You can download the code from the given link now without registration.
Hi AlgoMantra,
thank you for the source. I think it's an amazing application!
I was wondering if you also have any experience with retrieving cell-id with J2ME JSR 179 Location API ?
I have not played with J2Me so far, but I know people who use it. I'm sure it should be quite straightforward in J2Me as well. You could also try the Java-based platform known as Processing (mobile version)...
I've tried it a few times with J2ME to retrieve cell information, but without luck. It is written in the JSR 179 Location API, but in various forums a lot of people have trouble retrieving cell id. So if you succeed in doing this, please let me know. I rather use Java instead of C++.
By the way I also checked the Mobile Processing as you mentioned. There is a MLocation library, it's very small and only supports location based services through GPS.
Hm, sorry to hear that. We have no plans to use J2Me or C++ anytime soon, since Python for S60 is enough for our current work.
But if a solution crops up, I will post it here...