AlgoMantra, b. 2005

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Thursday, June 01, 2006
By my green candlestick!!
[The illustration on the right is by Heath W. Robinson, entitled Modern carpet designs may provide endless entertainment for your guests - ]

I'm reading a 78-page essay by Christopher M. Fairman called Fuck, a very important document I feel:

This Article explores the intersection of the word fuck and the law. In four major areas, fuck impacts the law: First Amendment, broadcast regulation, sexual harassment, and education. The legal implications from the use of fuck vary greatly with the context. However, to fully understand the legal power of fuck, the nonlegal sources of its power must be tapped. Drawing upon the research of etymologists, linguists, lexicographers, psychoanalysts, and other social scientists, the visceral reaction to fuck can be explained by cultural taboo.

If you're unable to download this from the lovely SSRN document delivery service, email me and I'll forward the PDF to you. I'm also SIMULTANEOUSLY reading (or sampling?) a small translated excerpt from pataphysician (or pataphysicist?) Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi:

PAPA UBU: Oh, I'll give in to the temptation. For shitsky's sakesky, for sakesky's shitsky, if I ever meet him somewhere in the woods, he'll have a hard time of it.
MAMA UBU: Oh good! Papa Ubu, now you have become a real man.

It is not entirely obvious from the beauty of this play that it was written by Jarry at the age of 15. This is enlightenment, you see? That moment when everything becomes clear as it was on the day of birth. I should write a play from which it is not entirely obvious that it was written when I was other words - when my diapers were my dialectic canvas.
1 Comments: Post a Comment
Blogger franco said ..

I'm also reading Ubu, and I can't figure out what "by my green candlestick" means. Any idea?

12:55 AM